Return Policy

If you are not fully satisfied with our product, then a return may be requested.

Returns are accepted if requested within 7 (seven) days of the date that you received the goods, and will be accepted in that period for goods in a new, unused condition, and with all original tags and labels attached.

Please note the steps that we follow in processing your return:

*If you wish to request a return, please do so on the website within 7 days of the date that you received the goods.

*On receipt of your request we will, if received within the 7 (seven) day period, send you a “Return Authorization,” as well as a shipping label for the return of the goods.

Please note that the shipping label must be used within 4 (four) days of issuance, and remains valid for that period of time.

*When we receive your package, we will examine the product and, if found in a new, unused condition, with all original tags and labels attached, a store credit or refund will be processed within 4 (four) business days (Monday through Friday, public holidays excepted), and you will then be notified by email.

Questions may be sent by email to: